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Home > New favorite! Alexander Wang rivet handbag

 Rivet very popular elements from last year, in this year, a guarantee decorative rivet handbag is popular in Hollywood, this handbag will be shine rivet on the package bottom, seems to show a low-key attitude, but to people are very easy to notice. And on the bottom seems to be more wear-resistant packages, from the practical point of view is also very outstanding. This is the Alexander Wang's Coco Duffel Handbag.

Hilary Duff has a black bag bottom color contrast, under the rivet more apparent.
Alex Curran Gerrard have a yellow bag, it seems that she is really like this kind of style to match different dress and fashionable.
Alex Curran Gerrard with a grey dress collocation of white and purple purse, relaxed feeling is very strong, bag bottom rivet increased popular feeling, to dress up more tide stylish rider.
With his sister Nicky, Hilton on this personalized dress sheet tastes more like, not only for eye.